
Kateryna Bornukova|Gleb Shymanovich| 15.03.2021
FREE Policy Brief: Laissez-faire Covid-19: Economic Consequences in Belarus
The authors explore a unique dataset to document how major Covid-related shocks affected the earnings of Belarusians in 2020.
| 09.01.2018
Estimation of the number of employable population unemployed in the economy and regional economic development of Belarus in 2007-2015
This study estimates the number of the working-age population, unemployed in the economy, in the Belarusian regions for 2007-2015 covered by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus from 2 April 2015 №3 "On the prevention of social dependency". The paper analyzes the relationship between the number of this group of population and regional economic development of Belarus. The results show that the presence of the working-age population, unemployed in the economy, is mostly an economic phenomenon related to the level of economic development of a certain region, district or city of Belarus.
| 31.12.2015
Unemployment insurance as a tool of social protection
This paper analyzes the international experience of functioning unemployment insurance systems and possibility of their application in Belarus.
Kateryna Bornukova| 07.05.2015
Accounting for Labor Productivity Puzzle
In the recent decades aggregate labor productivity in the U.S. became countercyclical (labor productivity puzzle). At the same time the U.S. experienced dramatic changes in the structure of households due to increased female labor force participation.
Kateryna Bornukova| 11.05.2011
Real Business Cycles in the Model with Two-person Household and Home Production
This paper is an attempt to replicate the co-movement of hours and productivity observed in the post-war U.S. data using one shock model.