Working papers - academic research on economy aimed at enhancing the knowledge about economic processes, problems and trends through development of new theories and concepts. The results of these studies are published in leading international journals, as for example SAGE Knowledge, Journal of Economic Development, Research Policy (Science Direct), Baltic Journal of Economics, Eastern Economic Journal and etc.
Belarusian Dream. Study of the National Identity of Opinion Leaders and Social Activists of Belarus
The paper presents the results of a study of the national identity of social activists and opinion leaders in Belarus.
Viktar Fedaseyeu| 18.02.2020
Personal Financial Incentives and Corporate Campaign Contributions
The authors argue that low levels of corporate political participation can be rationalized by the financial incentives of employees and shareholders who are the ultimate source of corporate contributions. Since even large firm-level benefits are trivial for individuals with small equity-stakes, few people have sufficient incentives to contribute.
Measuring fiscal multipliers for the Belarusian economy
This study is devoted to the theoretical concepts of fiscal multipliers and their assessment for the Belarusian economy, in particular the magnitudes of these multipliers for the revenue and spending parts of the budget of Belarus.
The Use of Information Technologies by Belarusian Business
This is the first of a series of works devoted to factors, barriers and the effect of information technology (hereinafter - IT) implementation by Belarusian small and medium enterprises (hereinafter - SMEs) on the basis of a survey performed among 424 entities.
| 02.12.2019
Institutions and Comparative Advantage in Services Trade
Recent studies have highlighted the role of human capital and good economic institutions in establishing comparative advantage in trade in complex institutions-intensive goods. We show that the effect of institutions on comparative advantage in services trade is quite different.
Poverty, Vulnerability, and Household Coping Strategies during the 2015–16 Recession in Belarus
This paper examines the impact of the recent recession in Belarus on poverty and broader measures of household welfare and compares the recent recession episode to previous economic crises in Belarus.