Working Papers

Working papers - academic research on economy aimed at enhancing the knowledge about economic processes, problems and trends through development of new theories and concepts. The results of these studies are published in leading international journals, as for example SAGE Knowledge, Journal of Economic Development, Research Policy (Science Direct)Baltic Journal of Economics, Eastern Economic Journal and etc.

Aleh Mazol| 27.08.2021
Competition of Jurisdictions for FDI: Does Developing and Developed Countries Respond Differently to Economic Challenges?
The main aim of the paper is to assess the existence and the influence of competition of jurisdictions (considers institutions and tax policy) for the FDI inflow in CEE countries and their differences with EU countries.
Radzivon Marozau|Radzivon Marozau|Hanna Aginskaya|Natalia Makayeva| 29.07.2021
Hidden Champions of Belarus
Extending the taxonomy of Belarusian Hidden Champions, the chapter discusses the context in which Belarusian Hidden Champions evolved and adapted their business models to rapidly changing global environment.
Radzivon Marozau|Natalja Apanasovich|Maribel Guerrero|Radzivon Marozau| 06.07.2021
Evolution of Technology Transfer in Belarus: Two Parallel Dimensions in a Post-Soviet Country
This paper explores the development of knowledge and technology transfer policies in Belarus during the post-Soviet period.
Exploring SVAR-Based Empirical Measure of Inflation Expectations for Belarus
This paper explores empirical SVAR-based measure of inflation expectations for Belarus.
Radzivon Marozau|Radzivon Marozau| 01.10.2020
Prospects for Corporate Governance Development in Belarus
The aim of the paper is to analyze the current state of and prospects for the development of corporate governance in Belarus to ensure more effective and wide-scale implementation of the core principles of corporate governance in the state-controlled and the private sectors.