Working papers - academic research on economy aimed at enhancing the knowledge about economic processes, problems and trends through development of new theories and concepts. The results of these studies are published in leading international journals, as for example SAGE Knowledge, Journal of Economic Development, Research Policy (Science Direct), Baltic Journal of Economics, Eastern Economic Journal and etc.
|Torbjörn Becker| Helena Schweiger|Bas B. Bakker|Tymofiy Mylovanov| 17.08.2018
The future of CIS and CEE countries
This article is based on a panel discussion on the future of transition countries 25 years after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. All the contributors have long professional and personal experience of various aspects of the transition process so far and provide different perspectives on what to expect for the region in the future.
| 11.10.2015
Gender and Innovativeness of the Enterprise: the Case of Transition Countries
Little knowledge exists on difference in innovation behavior of men and women leading the SMEs in transition countries. This paper estimates whether there is a gender gap in SMEs innovation actions. Results show that propensity to innovate is higher among female owners and this finding preserves for 5 measures of innovativeness. Thus, female involvement in business might be beneficial for the innovative sustainable development of economy. Estimation of the gap in performance of implemented innovations did not reveal any strong prevailing gender in terms of efficiency.
Alina Verashchagina|Francesco Pastore| 11.04.2010
When Does Transition Increase the Gender Wage Gap?
This is the first paper to study the evolution of the gender wage gap in the Republic of Belarus.