Working papers - academic research on economy aimed at enhancing the knowledge about economic processes, problems and trends through development of new theories and concepts. The results of these studies are published in leading international journals, as for example SAGE Knowledge, Journal of Economic Development, Research Policy (Science Direct), Baltic Journal of Economics, Eastern Economic Journal and etc.
Structural Breaks and Dynamic Characteristics of Inflation and Growth Rates of Monetary Aggregates
The paper addresses the problem of determining the order of integration of inflation and growth rates of monetary aggregates under the multiple structural breaks in dynamics of these variables.
The Impact of Directed Lending on Long-Run Growth in Belarus
The study deals with a specific form of financial repression peculiar to Belarus – a mechanism of directed loans.
Maksim Yemelyanau|Aliaksandr Amialchuk|Katerina Lisenkova|Mykhaylo Salnykov| 11.05.2011
Economic Determinants of Fertility in Belarus: a Micro-Data Analysis
This paper examines the determinants of births in Belarus in 1996-2007 by using detailed micro data from the Belarusian Household Budget Surveys (BHBS).
Real Business Cycles in the Model with Two-person Household and Home Production
This paper is an attempt to replicate the co-movement of hours and productivity observed in the post-war U.S. data using one shock model.
| 11.03.2011
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Industrial Economic Growth in Belarus
This paper analyses the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on economic performance using the Belarusian industrial aggregated panel data over the 2002-2009 period.
|Ganna Vakhitova| 11.06.2010
The Impact of FDI on Firm’s Performance Across Sectors: Evidence from Ukraine
This paper empirically investigates the variety of FDI impacts on different sectors using firm level data. In particular, the unique dataset (which represents about 80% of the firms’ population) enables to analyze whether linkages between sectors can explain the difference in the impact of FDI on firm’s productivity as well as spillovers across sectors.