Policy Papers

Policy papers - applied research on economics that is practically oriented to form a strategy for promoting economic growth and improving the quality of economic policy in Belarus.
Perspective and Challenges for Belarus’ Economy in the Medium-Run (2018-2020)
This policy paper deals with the perspectives of the national economy development in 2018-2020. The study emphasizes that fluctuations around equilibrium growth rate is the most likely scenario. The study uses the estimate of 2.5% of equilibrium growth rate for Belarus, which is a compromise among different approaches and methodologies. The scenario of higher growth may become possible due to positive external shocks. However, even in case of permanently strengthening external environment, the growth rate of the national economy is still likely to be unsustainable.
Belarusian Economy in 2017: Catch-up Growth vs. the Burden of Pending Structural Weaknesses
This policy paper deals with Belarusian macroeconomic situation in 2017. The study admits that a long period of adjustment to new institutional environment, which was associated with structural slowdown, has ended in 2017 and catch-up growth began. This growth mainly stemmed from favorable external environment. The policies enhancing price and external stability also contributed into growth. In 2017, Belarus has displayed historical (or 10 year) records in inflation rate and current account balance. This allowed quitting from restrained economic policies thus emancipating domestic demand.
| 31.12.2017
Barriers and drivers of women's entrepreneurship in Belarus
We have conducted the number of interviews with female entrepreneurs and top managers of Belarusian companies.
| 31.12.2017
Foreign Investment: Measures to Improve the Investment Climate
In 2016, potential investors’ interest in Belarus continued to decline. The problem of access to financing in the form of loans was growing, affecting the possibility of floating sovereign Eurobonds internationally. There were signs that the government finally realized that the country needed a better image to foster investment and issued a number of bills to facilitate raising funds.

Foreign Investment: Measures to Improve the Investment Climate
Anatomy of Belarusian JSCs
We do not know about: how effective are Belarusian enterprises, what is the share of state enterprises in the economy, what is the difference between private and state enterprises, what is the distribution of labor, capital and materials among firms. This work is an attempt to answer these questions using the data on JSCs.
Causes and Features of Economic Downturn in Belarus: the Role of Structural Factors
This work is devoted to the analysis of output downturn in Belarus in 2015. It is shown that economic downturn is not the consequence of only cyclical hesitations, but also of structural compression. Moreover, the structural component of recession in 2016 began to dominate.