Policy Papers

Policy papers - applied research on economics that is practically oriented to form a strategy for promoting economic growth and improving the quality of economic policy in Belarus.
Kateryna Bornukova| 20.03.2020
Preventing a perfect storm
A perfect economic storm is approaching Belarus. A GDP decline in 2020 has become almost inevitable. In the near future, the Belarusian economy will face new serious difficulties. Competent anticipatory actions - which must be taken immediately - can mitigate the loss of output and incomes, and prevent or limit financial stress.
Labor market strategies
The aim of this article is to evaluate the strategies of labor market behavior of the Belarusian population according to a survey conducted by the BEROC and IPM Research Center and BEROC that is a part of a study of the attitude of the Belarusian population to the social protection system.
Natalya Shcherbinа| 19.03.2020
How the child changes the labor market behavior of parents
Most families change their usual way of living with the birth of a child. They "maneuver" in search of a more effective distribution of childcare responsibilities, and adjust their work strategies to the needs of children.
Natalya Shcherbina| 02.03.2020
Affordable, effective and just? How people see the Belarusian system of social support for families with children
Demographic policy, in particular measures for birth rate stimulation, has generated considerable discussion among experts and in the society that is due to notable decline in the fertility rate after 2016. Why after a decade of steady birth rate growth, Belarus finds itself again on the edge of demographic crisis and almost continuous "improvement of support measures for families with children" still have not made it possible to stabilize the fertility rate at the level of simple reproduction of the population?
Irina Tochitskaya|Yauheniya Shershunovich|Natalya Makaeva|Alena Artsiomenka| 10.02.2020
Green economy as a new trend for the business in Belarus
The aim of the work is to identify how the business in Belarus responds to the development of green and circular economy in the country and in the world. The research was conducted on the basis of the Executive MBA program of IPM Business School.
Yauheniya Shershunovich|Irina Tochitskaya| 30.12.2019
Waste Management in Industrial Enterprises of Belarus: When the Amount Matters
This paper presents the results of the survey on waste management and third-party secondary raw materials usage at Belarusian industrial enterprises.