Открытые лекции и семинары

Белорусский экономический исследовательско-образовательный центр BEROC 6 сентября 2018г. провёл открытую лекцию профессора Катерины Лисенковой "Brexit глазами экономиста"

Описание открытой лекции:

On 23 June 2016 the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. This decision brought new challenges and opportunities, and refocused country's political and economic agenda.

The questions of future trade relationship with the EU and other countries, immigration, foreign investment and UK’s financial obligations are discussed by the economists, politicians and general public. The economic pre-conditions and consequences of the Brexit vote we will discuss with Katerina Lisenkova (BSEU, 2000), Economist at the Royal Bank of Scotland.

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