Policy Papers


Belarusian Business: Consequences of Private Sector Migration (2020-2023)

The ensuing political and economic challenges prompted a considerable brain drain from Belarus, depleting the local talent pool essential for innovation and entrepreneurship. This paper examines the consequences of the business migration of the private sector, from 2020 to 2024 for Belarus and neighboring countries. It synthesizes numbers on the migration process of Belarusian businesses and individuals to the EU, with a particular focus on Lithuania and Poland, which have become primary destinations for Belarusian migrants. It explores the economic impacts of this migration on both Belarus and the host countries, noting the increased tax revenues and technological advancements brought by Belarusian professionals and businesses. Recommendations are provided to create a supportive ecosystem for Belarusian businesses abroad to harness the potential of Belarusian entrepreneurs for economic development and future economic changes and recovery of Belarus.