Research Team
Anastasia Luzgina
Finished the Belarusian State Economic University with honors in 2001. Bachelor degree in finance and banking.
In 2007 finished postgraduate program in economic theory (Belarusian State University).
Worked as an economist in Vneshtorgbank (2000-2001), leading economist in the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (2001-2007) and economist in the Resident Representative Office of IMF in Belarus (2007-2009).
Starting from 2003 holds a position of a senior teacher at the BSU.
Since 2010 works as a researcher at the Belarusian Economic Research and Outreach Center (BEROC).
Reseacrh interests: macroeconomics, banking, finance, economic and currency integration, monetary policy, social policy, world economy
Foreign languages: English
Luzgina, A. (2006). Union currency for countries of South-East Asia, Bankovski vestnik, # 13 May 2006
Luzgina, A. (2006). Exchange rate mechanism as the final stageof monetary integration, Bankovski vestnik, #16, July 2006
Luzgina, A. (2011). Knowledge of Finances – Necessary Condition for the Development of the Economy, Bankovski vestnik #25, September 2011
Luzgina, A. (2011). The Role of Surety as a Form of Securing Housing Credits, Bankovski vestnik #31, November 2011
Luzgina, A. (2011). Income Behavior and Ways to Promote National Welfare, Bankovski vestnik, #34, December 2011