Open Lectures and Seminars


Online Open Lecture “Linking the 4E's: Entrepreneurship, Ecosystems and Emerging Economies”


Open Lecture “Linking the 4E's: Entrepreneurship, Ecosystems and Emerging Economies” was held online on November 12, 2021. During the lecture Dr Maribel Guerrero, Professor of Entrepreneurship, Economic and Business Faculty at Universidad del Desarrollo, iNCITE-Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, CIRCLE-Lund University, explained why diversity in entrepreneurship and context is significant, what conditions are favourable and what are less favourable.

What configuration of entrepreneurship ecosystems can stimulate creation of high-growth ventures?

This question became one of the most important in academic discussion on influence of environmental conditions on entrepreneurial activity in the past 5 years.

During the Open Lecture Dr Maribel Guerrero explained why diversity in entrepreneurship and context is significant, what conditions are favourable and what are less favourable. Lecture included both research details and implications for stakeholders.