Other Events


Workshops for Economic and Business Journalists

In 2011-2012 the Belarusian Economic Research and Outreach Center (BEROC) together with the Kiev School of Economics (KSE) held a series of workshops for economic and business journalists.

The objective of the project is to spread internationally recognized journalistic standards to the Belarusian journalist community with the purpose of improving its professional capacity and promoting dialogue on topical issues of economic transformation in the country.

Wighint the framework of the project journalists from Ukraine and Belarus exchanged their work experience and established professional contacts with expert community.

The program was supported by the British Embassy in the Republic of Belarus, Media Development Fund under the Embassy of the United States in Ukraine, the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Ukraine, German Marshall Fund и Global Development Network (GDN).

The project included four workshops lasting 4-5 days and covering important issues not only for Belarus and Ukraine, but also for the global economic community.

The first workshop "Business and Economics as Local Concern" took place on March 21-25, 2011.

The second workshop "International Trade and Macroeconomic Stability" was held on July 5-8, 2011.

The third workshop "Banks and Their Role in Economy" was held on November 8-11, 2011.

The forth workshop "Economic Development" was held on February 21-24, 2012.

All the seminars were organized in Kiev in co-operation with the Kiev School of Economics.

Among the lecturers there were: Lou Ureneck professor in journalistics at Boston University, instructors and professors from BEROC and KSE, as well as invited experts.

Around 10 journalists from Belarus and 20-25 representatives of Ukranian mass media took part in each workshop. All the attendees received special certificates at the end of the workshops.

The publications on economics with comments by experts from BEROC and KSE that appeared in Belarusian and Ukrainian media became an output of the project.