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Training for economic journalists by Lou Ureneck

2-day training for economic journalists and young economists lectured by Lou Ureneck was held on October 12-13, 2009, at the Minsk International Education Center (IBB) (11 Gazeta Pravda Ave., Minsk, Belarus).

Lou Ureneck is chair of the Department of Journalism at Boston University, where he directs the Business and Economics Journalism Program. He is a former reporter and editor, and his views are often sought on media economics in the US. He holds a BA fr om the University of New Hampshire and was a Nieman Fellow from Harvard University, wh ere he also was the editor-in-residence. He has written widely on journalism, and his memoir, "Backcast," won the National Outdoor Book Award.

Workshop outline:

Day One


  • Role of the reporter and special demands of the business and economics journalism
  • Three audiences for business and economics journalism
  • Basic skills

Micro-economics – reporting about companies

  • What makes news?
  • Categories of business stories
  • Financial documents and reporting

Micro-economics – reporting for and about consumers

Day Two


  • Reporters versus economists
  • Understanding the nature of the economy including the business cycle
  • Economic indicators
  • Reporting from the ground up

Mapping your personal business and economics beat: A discussion and exercise