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Academic Webinar “Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions and Economic Impact during the COVID-19 Pandemic”
Economic and social circumstances of the pandemic as well as possible measures to prevent such circumstances were discussed on Academic Webinar “Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions and Economic Impact during the COVID-19 Pandemic”. The event with participation of the high-level World Bank officials was held by BEROC in partnership with the World Bank office in Belarus, and the IPM Research Center.
Speakers of the event:
- Asli Demirgüç-Kunt, World Bank Chief Economist, Europe and Central Asia made the presentation “The sooner, the better. The early economic impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic”
- David Wilson, Global Lead for Decision and Delivery Science, Health Nutrition and Population Global Practice, World Bank Group presented research “Coronavirus. Global Overview”.
The main thesis of the event:
COVID-19 caught (most) of the world by surprise. Few healthcare systems were prepared to deal with the outbreak of an infectious disease like the one caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
In the absence of a vaccine or a treatment, non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) are an effective way to contain the disease. Extensive testing and contact tracing has become the “gold standard” but only some countries have the capacity to do it.
We now know that effective prevention requires a combination of obligatory measures, specifically:
• Early, decisive border closures/supervised quarantine, both between and within countries.
• Ubiquitous face masks and where possible face shields, especially in
• Ubiquitous hand sanitizing/washing, especially at high traffic points.
• Increased surface cleaning, also especially at high traffic points.
• Social distancing, reinforced by decongestion of public spheres.
• Absolute avoidance of superspreading events – large crowds, prolonged proximity, poor ventilation, forced exhalation. 10% of events may drive 80% of transmission. If we do one thing right, do this.
• Strengthened core public health functions – the classic test, isolate and treat, track, trace and quarantine.