Green economy


Online Seminar "New Trends in Belarusian Economy: Circular Transformation of Enterprises and Green Banking"

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Date: November 3, 2021
Time: 15:00
Place: Zoom

is needed.

Green and circular approaches became one of the main economic trends. Green banking, which entails responsible financing approaches, is a separate topic in the circular economics development.

Belarus follows world trends with a certain lag. However, it already has some experience in green and circular economy. BEROC (Kyiv) will conduct an online seminar to study this experience.

Program of the seminar 

15:00 Opening remarks

Kateryna Bornukova, BEROC (Kyiv) Academic Director

Marina Petrov, Head of the EBRD Office in Belarus

15:20 Circular Transformation of Enterprises in Belarus

Nadezhda Batova, Ph.D., expert in green economy

The report presents the results of research assessing the directions of circular transformation of Belarusian companies and gives recommendations for circular transformation.

15:40 Green Banking as an Indispensable Element of Sustainable Economy

Anastasia Luzgina, Ph.D., BEROC (Kyiv) expert

The expert will present the main elements and instruments of green banking, as well as international initiatives in the field of green banking development. The main part of the presentation will be devoted to the development of green banking in Belarus.

16:00 Q&A Session and discussion

To participate in the event, please, register before 18:00, 2 November, 2021. The link will be sent an hour before the beginning of the seminar to all registered participants.