Green economy


Online Seminar "New Trends in Belarusian Economy: Circular Transformation of Enterprises and Green Banking" was Held

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Online seminar "Green banking: instruments and opportunities for the Republic of Belarus" was held on November 3, 2021.  

Opening remarks were made by Kateryna Bornukova, Academic Director of BEROC and Marina Petrov, Head of EBRD Office in Belarus.

Nadezhda Batova presented the results of study on circular transformation of Belarusian enterprises. Nadezhda Batova lectured about the level of circular transformation of Belarusian companies, barriers that prevent companies from transitioning towards the circular economy and measures to overcome the barriers.

Anastasia Luzgina made a presentation “Green Banking as an essential element for a sustainable economy”. Green development had become an increasingly important trend for the world economy and financial institutions played a vital role in this process. Anastasia Luzgina presented instruments of green finance, as well as international and national initiatives in this sphere. She provided an overview of perspectives of the green banking development in Belarus.

Participants discussed mechanisms that will help companies to design and shape transition from linear to circular economy as well as policy recommendations for green banking development in Belarus.

The seminar was attended by more than 70 participants, including representatives of Belarusian and international business, research centers, universities, NGOs, media, etc.

Video of the Seminar