
Anastasia Luzgina| 31.12.2016
National Specifics and International Experience in Foreign Direct Investment Attraction
The uncontrolled inflow of foreign investment in the country can have both positive and negative effects. In this regard, national governments develop and implement measures to attract foreign capital, taking into account the characteristics and interests of a particular state. With a view to better understanding the logic of the FDIs movement, the paper gives a brief description of the FDIs dynamics in the Republic of Belarus, as well as the study of the international experience based on the analysis of the FDIs attraction policies of the Visegrad Group countries (Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland) and Georgia.
Anastasia Luzgina| 31.12.2016
Modern Tax System Transformations
Building an optimal tax system is a strategic objective for any state. Under the conditions of the economy openness, both internal and external factors can have a significant impact on the pace of economic development of a country that affects the level of tax collection. The article both emphasizes the importance of tax system improvement and explains the necessity of tax administration optimization. A tax system approximated to optimal one will be less affected by the negative trends and modern tax administration will reduce costs, increase transparency and the taxpayers’ trust level. The tax system analysis was carried out based on studying the Visegrad Group countries’ experience (the Czech Republic and Poland), as well as Georgia and Belarus. As a result, it was observed a single direction of all countries’ development in the area of the tax system improvement, while the presence of the individual characteristics.
Pension System of Belarus: Current State and Necessity for Reforms
This paper shows that the pension system of Belarus must be reformed and proposes the most effective reforms among all available alternatives.
Anastasia Luzgina| 31.12.2015
Features of economic and financial Swedish crisis in 90s of XX century
The paper analyses the Swedish experience to overcome the economic and financial crisis of the 90s. The article highlights the main preconditions and factors that contributed to the development of the crisis. Special attention is given to consideration of nature of the Swedish crisis. The problems of some industries together with compulsory destabilizing factors led to economic and financial crises. Erupted full-blown economic crisis of Sweden required an effective and complex system of anticrisis measures. As a result, the adopted program of economic activities, which included innovations in banking, currency and budgetary spheres, allowed quickly overcome the main negative tendencies in the economy.